988619770 Lunes - Viernes 9:00 - 17:00 h.

Clínica Dental Santana

Nuestras terapias están basadas en la evidencia científica y abordan el dolor buscando su origen.


Endodontic is the set of possible treatments for pathology of the pulp or «nerve» of the teeth. By endodontic treatment we try to avoid the extraction of a tooth whose pulp is damaged.

These treatments may be:

Direct pulp protection: Conservative filling intended to recover reversible pulp damage.

Indirect pulp capping: Isolation of drugs under a filling in an area where the amount of remaining dentin is minimal and the health of the pulp can be compromised.

Pulpotomy: Partial and superficial removal of the pulp.

Pulpectomy: Total removal of the pulp of the tooth or tooth.